Marlin William Morrissey
So to be honest, I'm not a small-dog person.  But when Conway passed away in December and we needed a new canine buddy for Jack--and quick--we found Marlin.  He's a puggle-pekingese cross and while adorable because he's a puppy, he's not exactly stunning in the looks department.  BUT, we've discovered that Marlin has an amazing talent:  swimming!  We were at the lodge this weekend and John and Jack were celebrating Father's Day (John's favorite holiday!) by fishing in the river in the canoe.  They caught several small-mouth bass and John was absolutely *thrilled* to see that Jack shares his passion for fishing and was an excellent learner and fishing partner.  On their way back to shore, they were spotted by 12 pound, 8-month-old Marlin, who had missed them terribly while they were gone; Marlin immediately leapt into the water and started paddling at top speed.  And by top speed, we mean like a motorboat skimming across the surface of the water for 100 yards.  John said it's the fastest he's ever seen any dog swim--who woulda guessed Marlin had any talent at all, let alone swimming? 

Marlin supervising the two fishermen

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