We love fall and winter, but it's been hard adjusting to the change in seasons this year.  We had a gorgeous summer here in Maine and spent a lot of time swimming, camping, and playing in the rivers and we hate to say goodbye to those days.  But, as we wind down the rental and guest-visiting season of summer, our favorite time arrives:  The months when we get to enjoy the lodge ourselves.  With the addition of a super-efficient woodstove that my parents had no need for anymore, we're really looking forward to the warm, cozy weekends on the river.  Our anniversary was earlier this week and instead of going to Boston or Portland, we packed up the dogs and Jack and headed to Parsonsfield instead.  There's no place better to celebrate our happy lives than at the place that brings us the most happiness!  Nothing like watching our crazy dogs chase sticks that our beloved son throws into the water to remind us of why we love the lodge, and Maine, and each other so much.

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