Jack on the Tarzan swing
If you have to iron, do it with a view!
We just spent an amazingly wonderful week relaxing with friends and family at the lodge.  We found a great sandbar and parked the tubes for a couple of hours and just let Jack splash and play; he also mastered the Tarzan swing and Daddy gave him (to Mommy's chagrin) his first BB gun lesson.  We ate lobster cooked on the grill and lots of fresh veggies from the local farm stand.  Now that we're home, our dogs Conway and Heidi are in depression--the lodge is their favorite place in the whole wide world and now they're having squirrel-chasing withdrawals.

As someone who never relaxes and always has to be accomplishing something, I figured out a new way to iron John's dress shirts and pants.  If I have to be ironing, it may as well be outside in the sun, on the deck, looking out toward the river.  And of course the Twisted Tea resting on the end of the ironing board made it more bearable, too!  :)

It was a gorgeous week of weather and we can't wait to go back again...nothing beats Maine in the summertime!
Uncle Mike is the best lobster barista!

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